
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publication

  1. Solomon E, Johnson P, Tan Z, Tibrewala R, Lui YW, Knoll F, Moy L, Kim SG, Heacock L. FastMRI Breast: A Publicly Available Radial K-space Dataset of Breast Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MRI. Radiology: Artificial Intelligence 2025.
  2. Bae J, Tan Z, Solomon E, Huang Z, Heacock L, Moy L, Knoll F, Kim SG. Digital Reference Object (DRO) Toolkit of Breast Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced (DCE)-MRI for Quantitative Evaluation of Image Reconstruction and Analysis Methods. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2024;92:1728-1742.
  3. Tan Z, Liebig PA, Heidemann RM, Laun FB, Knoll F. Accelerated Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 7T: Joint Reconstruction for Shift-Encoded Navigator-based Interleaved Echo Planar Imaging (JETS-NAViEPI). Imaging Neuroscience 2024;2:1-15.
  4. Tan Z, Unterberg-Buchwald C, Blumenthal M, Scholand N, Schaten P, Holme HCM, Wang X, Raddatz D, Uecker M. Free-breathing liver fat, R2*, and B0 field mapping using multi-echo radial FLASH and regularized model-based reconstruction. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 2023;42:1374-1387.
  5. Wang X, Rosenzweig S, Roeloffs V, Blumenthal M, Scholand N, Tan Z, Holme HCM, Unterberg-Buchwald C, Hinkel R, Uecker M. Free-breathing myocardial T1 mapping using inversion-recovery radial FLASH and motion-resolved model-Based reconstruction. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2023;89:1368-1384.
  6. Wang X, Tan Z, Scholand N, Roeloffs V, Uecker M. Physics-based reconstruction methods for magnetic resonance imaging. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 2021;379:20200196.
  7. Kollmeier JM, Tan Z, Joseph AA, Kalentev O, Voit D, Merboldt KD, Frahm J. Real-time multi-directional flow MRI using model-based reconstructions of undersampled radial FLASH -- A feasibility study. NMR in Biomedicine 2019;32:e4184.
  8. Tan Z, Voit D, Kollmeier JM, Uecker M, Frahm J. Dynamic water/fat separation and B0 inhomogeneity mapping - Joint estimation using triple-echo multi-spoke radial FLASH. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2019;82:1000-1011.
  9. Watanabe T, Tan Z, Wang X, Martinez-Hernandez A, Frahm J. Magnetic resonance imaging of noradrenergic neurons. Brain Structure and Function 2019;224:1609-1625.
  10. Watanabe T, Wang X, Tan Z, Frahm J. Magnetic resonance imaging of brain cell water. Scientific Reports 2019;9:1-14.
  11. Merrem A, Hofer S, Hosseini ASA, Voit D, Merboldt KD, Tan Z, Frahm J. Diffusion-weighted MRI of the prostate without susceptibility artifacts: Undersampled multi-shot turbo-STEAM with rotated radial trajectories. NMR in Biomedicine 2019;32:e4074.
  12. Maier IL, Hofer S, Joseph AA, Merboldt KD, Tan Z, Schregel K, Knauth M, Bähr M, Psychogios M, Liman J, Frahm J. Carotid artery flow as determined by real-time phase-contrast flow MRI and neurovascular ultrasound: A comparative study of healthy subjects. European Journal of Radiology 2018;106:38-45.
  13. Wang X, Roeloffs V, Klosowski J, Tan Z, Voit D, Uecker M, Frahm J. Model-based T1 mapping with sparsity constraints using single-shot inversion-recovery radial FLASH. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2018;79:730-740.
  14. Tan Z, Hohage T, Kalentev O, Joseph AA, Wang X, Voit D, Merboldt KD, Frahm J. An eigenvalue approach for the automatic scaling of unknowns in model-based reconstructions: application to real-time phase-contrast flow MRI. NMR in Biomedicine 2017;30:e3835.
  15. Tan Z, Roeloffs V, Voit D, Joseph AA, Untenberger M, Merboldt KD, Frahm J. Model-based reconstruction for real-time phase-contrast flow MRI: improved spatiotemporal accuracy. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2017;77:1082-1093.
  16. Untenberger M#, Tan Z#, Voit D, Joseph AA, Roeloffs V, Merboldt KD, Schätz S, Frahm J. Advances in real-time phase-contrast flow MRI using asymmetric radial gradient echoes. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2016;75:1901-1908. (# Equal Contribution)

Peer-Reviewed Conferences Publication

  1. Glaser J, Tan Z, Hofmann A, Laun FB, Knoll F. A deep nonlinear subspace modelling and reconstruction for diffusion-weighted imaging using variational auto-encoder: Latent space decoded reconstruction (LASER). ISMRM Workshop on 40 Years of Diffusion: Past, Present & Future Perspectives 2025. (Power Pitch)
  2. Tan Z, Liebig P, Heidemann R, Laun FB, Knoll F. Accelerated Diffusion-Weighted MRI at 7T: Joint Reconstruction for Shift-Encoded Navigated Interleaved Echo Planar Imaging (JETS-NAViEPI). ISMRM 2024;33:3239. (e-Poster)
  3. Solomon E, Johnson PM, Tan Z, Knoll F, Moy L, Kim SG, Heacock L. fastMRI Breast: A publicly available radial k-space dataset of breast dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI. ISMRM 2024;33:2777. (e-Poster)
  4. Hofmann A, Tan Z, Liebig P, Laun FB, Knoll F. Whole-Brain Mesoscale 0.7 millimeter-Isotropic-Resolution Diffusion MRI at Ultra-High Fields: The JETS-NAViEPI Approach. ISMRM 2024;33:2422. (e-Poster)
  5. Soundarresan S, Tan Z, Liebig P, Heidemann R, Laun FB, Knoll F. On the use of autoencoder to denoise diffusion MRI. ESMRMB 2023. (Oral)
  6. Tan Z, Liebig P, Heidemann R, Laun FB, Knoll F. In vivo diffusion MRI at 7 T: High spatio-angular-temporal resolution pursuit. ISMRM 2023;32:3961. (Poster)
  7. Bae J, Tan Z, Huang Z, Heacock L, Moy L, Knoll F, Kim S. Realistic Digital Reference Object (DRO) toolkit for quantitative breast Ultra-Fast Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced (UF-DCE) MRI. ISMRM 2023;32:2738. (Poster)
  8. Wang X, Tan Z, Scholand N, Bilgic B, Uecker M. Model-Based Reconstruction for Joint Estimation of T1, T2* & B0 Inhomogeneity Maps Using Single-Shot Inversion-Recovery Multi-Echo Radial FLASH. ISMRM Workshop on Data Sampling & Image Reconstruction 2023. (Poster)
  9. Tan Z, Liebig P, Heidemann R, Laun FB, Knoll F. Unbox model-based reconstruction: Examples employing 7T diffusion MRI. ISMRM Workshop on Data Sampling & Image Reconstruction 2023. (Poster)
  10. Tan Z, Uecker M. Radial Echo-Planar Imaging with Subspace Reconstruction for Brain MRI. ISMRM 2022;31:1860. (Digital poster)
  11. Tan Z, Uecker M. Free-Breathing Liver Fat and R2* Mapping: Multi-Echo Radial FLASH and Model-based Reconstruction . 16th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Molecular Imaging, 2021.
  12. Tan Z, Rosenzweig S, Wang X, Scholand N, Holme HCM, Blumenthal M, Uecker M. Free-Breathing Liver Fat and R2* Mapping: Multi-Echo Radial FLASH and Model-based Reconstruction (MERLOT). ISMRM 2021;30:0753. (Combined educational and scientific oral) magna cum laude
  13. Wang X, Rosenzweig S, Blumenthal M, Tan Z, Scholand N, Uecker M. Free-Breathing, motion-resolved myocardial T1 mapping using inversion-recovery radial FLASH and model-based reconstruction. ISMRM 2021;30:3598.
  14. Luo G, Wang X, Roeloffs V, Tan Z, Uecker M. Joint estimation of coil sensitivities and image content using a deep image prior. ISMRM 2021;30:0280. (Oral)
  15. Tan Z, Dechent P, Wang X, Scholand N, Voit D, Frahm J, Uecker M. Dynamic water, fat, R2* and B0 field inhomogeneity quantification using multi-echo multi-spoke radial FLASH. ISMRM 2020;29:1019. (Oral)
  16. Tan Z, Voit D, Kollmeier JM, Uecker M, Frahm J. Dynamic water/fat separation and field inhomogeneity mapping at a temporal resolution of 40 ms. ISMRM 2019;28:0689. (Power pitch) summa cum laude
  17. Tan Z, Kollmeier JM, Joseph AA, Kalentev O, Voit D, Merboldt KD, Hohage T, Frahm J. Model-based reconstruction with automatic scaling for real-time phase-contrast flow MRI with complementary sets of radial spokes. ISMRM 2018;27:4137. (e-Poster)
  18. Watanabe T, Wang X, Tan Z, Frahm J. Magnetization transfer in brain: Comparison to relaxation and proton density. ESMRMB 2017;34:344. (Power pitch)
  19. Kollmeier JM, Joseph AA, Voit D, Tan Z, Merboldt KD, Frahm J. 2D in-plane flow MRI in real time. ESMRMB 2017;34:305. (Oral)
  20. Wang X, Roeloffs V, Klosowski J, Tan Z, Voit D, Uecker M, Frahm J. Model-based T1 mapping with sparsity constraints using single-shot inversion-recovery radial FLASH. ESMRMB 2017;34:180. (Oral)
  21. Tan Z, et al. Model-based reconstruction for real-time phase-contrast flow MRI - Improved spatiotemporal accuracy. ISMRM 2016;24:0096. (Power pitch) summa cum laude
  22. Hilbert T, Kober T, Sumpf TJ, Tan Z, Frahm J, Falkovskiy P, Meyer H, Bendl R, Thiran JP, Meuli R, Krueger G. MARTINI and GRAPPA - When speed is taste. ISMRM 2014;22:4077. (Poster)
  23. Tan Z, Chen NK. Application of k-space energy spectrum analysis to artifact correction in PROPELLER EPI. ISMRM 2012;20:2422. (Poster)

PhD Thesis

arXiv Publication

  1. Tan Z, Dai E, Uecker M. Stack-of-radial echo planar imaging with locally low rank regularized subspace reconstruction for fast high-resolution brain MRI. github 2021.
  2. Tan Z, Rosenzweig S, Wang X, Scholand N, Holme CHM, Blumenthal M, Voit D, Frahm J, Uecker M. Free-breathing water, fat, R2* and B0 field mapping of the liver using multi-echo radial FLASH and regularized model-based reconstruction (MERLOT). arXiv 2021.