Peer-Reviewed Journal Publication
- Solomon E, Johnson P, Tan Z, Tibrewala R, Lui YW, Knoll F, Moy L, Kim SG, Heacock L. FastMRI Breast: A Publicly Available Radial K-space Dataset of Breast Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MRI. Radiology: Artificial Intelligence 2025.
- Bae J, Tan Z, Solomon E, Huang Z, Heacock L, Moy L, Knoll F, Kim SG. Digital Reference Object (DRO) Toolkit of Breast Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced (DCE)-MRI for Quantitative Evaluation of Image Reconstruction and Analysis Methods. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2024;92:1728-1742.
- Tan Z, Liebig PA, Heidemann RM, Laun FB, Knoll F. Accelerated Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 7T: Joint Reconstruction for Shift-Encoded Navigator-based Interleaved Echo Planar Imaging (JETS-NAViEPI). Imaging Neuroscience 2024;2:1-15.
- Tan Z, Unterberg-Buchwald C, Blumenthal M, Scholand N, Schaten P, Holme HCM, Wang X, Raddatz D, Uecker M. Free-breathing liver fat, R2*, and B0 field mapping using multi-echo radial FLASH and regularized model-based reconstruction. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 2023;42:1374-1387.
- Wang X, Rosenzweig S, Roeloffs V, Blumenthal M, Scholand N, Tan Z, Holme HCM, Unterberg-Buchwald C, Hinkel R, Uecker M. Free-breathing myocardial T1 mapping using inversion-recovery radial FLASH and motion-resolved model-Based reconstruction. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2023;89:1368-1384.
- Wang X, Tan Z, Scholand N, Roeloffs V, Uecker M. Physics-based reconstruction methods for magnetic resonance imaging. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 2021;379:20200196.
- Kollmeier JM, Tan Z, Joseph AA, Kalentev O, Voit D, Merboldt KD, Frahm J. Real-time multi-directional flow MRI using model-based reconstructions of undersampled radial FLASH -- A feasibility study. NMR in Biomedicine 2019;32:e4184.
- Tan Z, Voit D, Kollmeier JM, Uecker M, Frahm J. Dynamic water/fat separation and B0 inhomogeneity mapping - Joint estimation using triple-echo multi-spoke radial FLASH. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2019;82:1000-1011.
- Watanabe T, Tan Z, Wang X, Martinez-Hernandez A, Frahm J. Magnetic resonance imaging of noradrenergic neurons. Brain Structure and Function 2019;224:1609-1625.
- Watanabe T, Wang X, Tan Z, Frahm J. Magnetic resonance imaging of brain cell water. Scientific Reports 2019;9:1-14.
- Merrem A, Hofer S, Hosseini ASA, Voit D, Merboldt KD, Tan Z, Frahm J. Diffusion-weighted MRI of the prostate without susceptibility artifacts: Undersampled multi-shot turbo-STEAM with rotated radial trajectories. NMR in Biomedicine 2019;32:e4074.
- Maier IL, Hofer S, Joseph AA, Merboldt KD, Tan Z, Schregel K, Knauth M, Bähr M, Psychogios M, Liman J, Frahm J. Carotid artery flow as determined by real-time phase-contrast flow MRI and neurovascular ultrasound: A comparative study of healthy subjects. European Journal of Radiology 2018;106:38-45.
- Wang X, Roeloffs V, Klosowski J, Tan Z, Voit D, Uecker M, Frahm J. Model-based T1 mapping with sparsity constraints using single-shot inversion-recovery radial FLASH. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2018;79:730-740.
- Tan Z, Hohage T, Kalentev O, Joseph AA, Wang X, Voit D, Merboldt KD, Frahm J. An eigenvalue approach for the automatic scaling of unknowns in model-based reconstructions: application to real-time phase-contrast flow MRI. NMR in Biomedicine 2017;30:e3835.
- Tan Z, Roeloffs V, Voit D, Joseph AA, Untenberger M, Merboldt KD, Frahm J. Model-based reconstruction for real-time phase-contrast flow MRI: improved spatiotemporal accuracy. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2017;77:1082-1093.
- Untenberger M#, Tan Z#, Voit D, Joseph AA, Roeloffs V, Merboldt KD, Schätz S, Frahm J. Advances in real-time phase-contrast flow MRI using asymmetric radial gradient echoes. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2016;75:1901-1908. (# Equal Contribution)
Peer-Reviewed Conferences Publication
- Glaser J, Tan Z, Hofmann A, Laun FB, Knoll F. A deep nonlinear subspace modelling and reconstruction for diffusion-weighted imaging using variational auto-encoder: Latent space decoded reconstruction (LASER). ISMRM Workshop on 40 Years of Diffusion: Past, Present & Future Perspectives 2025. (Power Pitch)
- Tan Z, Liebig P, Heidemann R, Laun FB, Knoll F. Accelerated Diffusion-Weighted MRI at 7T: Joint Reconstruction for Shift-Encoded Navigated Interleaved Echo Planar Imaging (JETS-NAViEPI). ISMRM 2024;33:3239. (e-Poster)
- Solomon E, Johnson PM, Tan Z, Knoll F, Moy L, Kim SG, Heacock L. fastMRI Breast: A publicly available radial k-space dataset of breast dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI. ISMRM 2024;33:2777. (e-Poster)
- Hofmann A, Tan Z, Liebig P, Laun FB, Knoll F. Whole-Brain Mesoscale 0.7 millimeter-Isotropic-Resolution Diffusion MRI at Ultra-High Fields: The JETS-NAViEPI Approach. ISMRM 2024;33:2422. (e-Poster)
- Soundarresan S, Tan Z, Liebig P, Heidemann R, Laun FB, Knoll F. On the use of autoencoder to denoise diffusion MRI. ESMRMB 2023. (Oral)
- Tan Z, Liebig P, Heidemann R, Laun FB, Knoll F. In vivo diffusion MRI at 7 T: High spatio-angular-temporal resolution pursuit. ISMRM 2023;32:3961. (Poster)
- Bae J, Tan Z, Huang Z, Heacock L, Moy L, Knoll F, Kim S. Realistic Digital Reference Object (DRO) toolkit for quantitative breast Ultra-Fast Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced (UF-DCE) MRI. ISMRM 2023;32:2738. (Poster)
- Wang X, Tan Z, Scholand N, Bilgic B, Uecker M. Model-Based Reconstruction for Joint Estimation of T1, T2* & B0 Inhomogeneity Maps Using Single-Shot Inversion-Recovery Multi-Echo Radial FLASH. ISMRM Workshop on Data Sampling & Image Reconstruction 2023. (Poster)
- Tan Z, Liebig P, Heidemann R, Laun FB, Knoll F. Unbox model-based reconstruction: Examples employing 7T diffusion MRI. ISMRM Workshop on Data Sampling & Image Reconstruction 2023. (Poster)
- Tan Z, Uecker M. Radial Echo-Planar Imaging with Subspace Reconstruction for Brain MRI. ISMRM 2022;31:1860. (Digital poster)
- Tan Z, Uecker M. Free-Breathing Liver Fat and R2* Mapping: Multi-Echo Radial FLASH and Model-based Reconstruction . 16th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Molecular Imaging, 2021.
- Tan Z, Rosenzweig S, Wang X, Scholand N, Holme HCM, Blumenthal M, Uecker M. Free-Breathing Liver Fat and R2* Mapping: Multi-Echo Radial FLASH and Model-based Reconstruction (MERLOT). ISMRM 2021;30:0753. (Combined educational and scientific oral) magna cum laude
- Wang X, Rosenzweig S, Blumenthal M, Tan Z, Scholand N, Uecker M. Free-Breathing, motion-resolved myocardial T1 mapping using inversion-recovery radial FLASH and model-based reconstruction. ISMRM 2021;30:3598.
- Luo G, Wang X, Roeloffs V, Tan Z, Uecker M. Joint estimation of coil sensitivities and image content using a deep image prior. ISMRM 2021;30:0280. (Oral)
- Tan Z, Dechent P, Wang X, Scholand N, Voit D, Frahm J, Uecker M. Dynamic water, fat, R2* and B0 field inhomogeneity quantification using multi-echo multi-spoke radial FLASH. ISMRM 2020;29:1019. (Oral)
- Tan Z, Voit D, Kollmeier JM, Uecker M, Frahm J. Dynamic water/fat separation and field inhomogeneity mapping at a temporal resolution of 40 ms. ISMRM 2019;28:0689. (Power pitch) summa cum laude
- Tan Z, Kollmeier JM, Joseph AA, Kalentev O, Voit D, Merboldt KD, Hohage T, Frahm J. Model-based reconstruction with automatic scaling for real-time phase-contrast flow MRI with complementary sets of radial spokes. ISMRM 2018;27:4137. (e-Poster)
- Watanabe T, Wang X, Tan Z, Frahm J. Magnetization transfer in brain: Comparison to relaxation and proton density. ESMRMB 2017;34:344. (Power pitch)
- Kollmeier JM, Joseph AA, Voit D, Tan Z, Merboldt KD, Frahm J. 2D in-plane flow MRI in real time. ESMRMB 2017;34:305. (Oral)
- Wang X, Roeloffs V, Klosowski J, Tan Z, Voit D, Uecker M, Frahm J. Model-based T1 mapping with sparsity constraints using single-shot inversion-recovery radial FLASH. ESMRMB 2017;34:180. (Oral)
- Tan Z, et al. Model-based reconstruction for real-time phase-contrast flow MRI - Improved spatiotemporal accuracy. ISMRM 2016;24:0096. (Power pitch) summa cum laude
- Hilbert T, Kober T, Sumpf TJ, Tan Z, Frahm J, Falkovskiy P, Meyer H, Bendl R, Thiran JP, Meuli R, Krueger G. MARTINI and GRAPPA - When speed is taste. ISMRM 2014;22:4077. (Poster)
- Tan Z, Chen NK. Application of k-space energy spectrum analysis to artifact correction in PROPELLER EPI. ISMRM 2012;20:2422. (Poster)
PhD Thesis
arXiv Publication
- Tan Z, Dai E, Uecker M. Stack-of-radial echo planar imaging with locally low rank regularized subspace reconstruction for fast high-resolution brain MRI. github 2021.
- Tan Z, Rosenzweig S, Wang X, Scholand N, Holme CHM, Blumenthal M, Voit D, Frahm J, Uecker M. Free-breathing water, fat, R2* and B0 field mapping of the liver using multi-echo radial FLASH and regularized model-based reconstruction (MERLOT). arXiv 2021.